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Data Asset Management


Protecting the Value of Innovation: Cloud Based Digital Asset Management Solutions

In the 21st century world of business, digital assets are often worth more, sometimes much more, than their real world counterparts. From the fact that an imaginary currency called Bitcoin is now worth far more than an actual ounce of gold to the stunning valuation of company logos that are little more than dots on a screen, the examples are almost everywhere.

Given the value of digital assets in a 21st century world, it is more important than ever for businesses to protect everything they own, whether virtual or real. When it comes to safeguarding their digital assets, businesses are increasingly turning to the cloud, seeking out the secure storage solutions that only cloud-based solutions can provide.

For businesses that want to protect the value of their creations and guard their digital assets, a Software as a Service (SaaS) Digital Asset Management (DAM) solution is often the natural choice. If you are exploring your options and ready to make a choice, here are a few key things you need to know out DAM, from what it is and what it includes to the many benefits it can provide.

What is DAM?

Digital Asset Management, or DAM, is a unique cloud based storage solution, a process by which an individual or organization seeks to categorize, store and share all of its digital assets. If you doubt the value of having a centralized storehouse for your digital assets, just think about the sheer volume of the images, videos, photographs and other virtual products your company creates, consumes and shares.

With DAM, you get that central storehouse, a one stop shop for all your videos, images and other digital files. Instead of searching endlessly, you will have everything you need in one place, and all the digital assets your company own will be fully backed up and secured thanks to the power of cloud based storage.

The Components of a DAM

The power of the cloud has been transforming businesses for a long time, but this innovative storage solution is now beginning to gain traction as a means of digital asset storage and protection. At InterlinkONE, we specialize in delivering robust cloud based solutions. Built on the Microsoft .NET platform and offering support for both Amazon Web Services and Microsoft Azure, the cloud based solutions we offer are designed for maximum stability, all while allowing for future growth and flexibility.

Through our linkDAM product, we are able to offer a cloud based digital asset storage and protection solution that is cost effective, efficient and designed for the 21st century way of doing business. When you store your digital assets in the cloud, you will be able to easily search for, and share, not only images but graphics, videos and other critical files as well.

There are many key components to a robust digital asset management (DAM) solution, and we are proud to offer all of them in one convenient and easy to use platform. From a simple way to organize your digital assets to a secure way to store the files to a simple sharing and effective version control, everything you need to protect, save and access your digital assets is there, in one convenient and easy to use interface.

The Value of the DAM

The value of Digital Asset Management (DAM) goes far beyond mere storage. DAM provides a simple interface for workers and clients to access, a powerful backbone to build on and secure protection for all the digital products your company produces. From the marketing videos you create to advertise your products to the images that will populate your online store to the visuals that will make your company’s website stand out, everything will be equally accessible and protected, so you can focus on running your business instead of searching through endless stacks of files.

Once the DAM system is in place, you will be able to easily manage, store and organize your images and other digital assets, all from one centralized location. Whether you are sitting in front of a customer in real life or running a marketing meeting via Zoom or Microsoft Teams, everything you need will be easily accessible and totally secure.

The Benefits of the DAM

Having a secure and cloud based solution for your digital assets is a vital part of doing business in the 21st century, but finding a robust storage solution is only solving half of the problem. If you want to survive and thrive in the new age of commerce, you also need to automate your operations, further simplifying the process and making the solutions you employ even more cost effective.

Our ilinkDAM is able to integrate with various types of third party software, enhancing the value of the solution and providing room for future growth of your business. Once in place, the ilink DAM solution can also be opened up to your strategic partners, along with the vendors you work with, the subcontractors who help you serve the needs of your clients and anyone else who needs access to your securely stored digital assets. With the click of a mouse or the tap of a key, your vendors, customers, and contractors can search for, manage, access and use any and all of the digital assets they require, from the videos you create for your products to the images stored in the cloud.

In addition to all of these other benefits, the ilinkDAM cloud based storage and security solution also allows each Enterprise, user groups or users to access just the branded content you set for them to use. This controlled access can be incredibly valuable for any company that uses it, and it is one of the biggest benefits provided by our unique and highly advanced storage and data protection solution.  And all the reporting you ever need is built in.  From whom ordered to who downloaded, it is all in the reporting tool so you can measure your success.

Protecting the digital assets your company produces has never been more important, or more challenging. There are threats to the security of these digital assets everywhere, from individual hackers to competitors bent on corporate espionage. If you are ready to tackle those challenges head on and give your digital assets the protection they deserve, we invite you to learn more about our company and what we have to offer.